Akademi Tourism and Organization Trade. Inc. accepts corporate and personal information belonging to itself, its customers and stakeholders as a critical asset. All Akademi Tourism and Organization Tic. Inc. It continuously and effectively protects employees and stakeholders, information systems and physical business areas that contain corporate information, from threats
The primary purpose of information security is Akademi Turizm ve Organizasyon Tic. A.Ş. and/or its stakeholders are used only by authorized persons, are kept completely, accurately and are ready for use when necessary.
Akademi Tourism and Organization Trade. Due to the nature of the corporate activities of A.Ş., material and moral damages may occur due to information security weakness, and preventing these damages and reducing their possible effects is the purpose of corporate information security.
Regardless of their positions or duties, all Akademi Turizm ve Organizasyon Tic. Inc. employees and Akademi Tourism and Organization Tic. Inc. 3rd parties working with Akademi Turizm ve Organizasyon Tic. A.Ş.'s established information security policies, procedures, forms and regulations.
Akademi Tourism and Organization Trade. A.Ş.'s corporate information systems and information, and third parties (suppliers) and their affiliated personnel, Akademi Turizm ve Organizasyon Tic. A.Ş. must comply with the corporate information security principles and adhere to other relevant information security responsibilities and obligations communicated to them.
Akademi Tourism and Organization Trade. A.Ş. expects all its employees and stakeholders to pay attention to the following issues
Compliance with laws, regulations, policies and procedures related to corporate information security,
• Akademi Tourism and Organization Trade. Inc. Ensuring full compliance with the requirements of the Information Security Management System established and operated within the
• Akademi Tourism and Organization Trade. A.Ş. to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and usability of corporate information systems and corporate information and to ensure continuous control,
• Akademi Tourism and Organization Trade. Limiting the risks that may arise from the loss, corruption or misuse of corporate information owned by A.Ş.
• Reporting any information security vulnerability and information security incident noticed,
Akademi Tourism and Organization Trade. Inc. The manager of each unit is primarily responsible for taking all necessary measures and controlling business activities in their own units in order to ensure compliance with corporate information security policies, procedures and regulations.
Violation of corporate information security policies, procedures and regulations is also a violation of Akademi Turizm ve Organizasyon Tic. Inc. It is a violation of the code of ethics as required by HR Policies and may result in disciplinary action.
As a result of internal and external surveillance processes carried out at certain times, information security violations detected as a result of both auditing and denunciation may result in disciplinary penalties up to termination of employment.
Akademi Tourism and Organization Trade. A.Ş. undertakes to meet and maintain the applicable conditions regarding information security, and to continuously improve the Information Security Management System.
Within the scope of the KVKK Law No. 6698 and during our activities in Turkey and abroad of the multinational companies we serve. All our employees and stakeholders undertake that we will work in accordance with international data protection policies and the legislation of countries in every business process we carry out.
Akademi Tourism and Organization Trade. Inc. The operation of the Information Security Management System in accordance with the ISO/IEC 27001 standard will support the protection of our reputation and the continuity of our business success.
All Akademi Tourism and Organization Tic. Inc. The continuous support and compliance of its family members to corporate information security is important for the continuity of our activities and the protection of our corporate reputation.